China Online Marketing Strategies and Solutions

Make it easy to succeed in the Chinese market with our one-stop shop of tailored China Digital Marketing Services. We work with you as an expert and trusted partner to provide the services that will achieve your goals – from initial market viability consultancy through to the management of integrated campaigns and post-campaign analytics. It’s easier to break China’s lucrative consumer market with our track record of success!

Our China Online Marketing Services include Chinese website design, Chinese content development, Baidu PPC, Baidu SEO, Chinese social media marketing, online PR and targeted online advertising.

China Online Marketing

Although the internet brings global commerce within the reach of all businesses, the Chinese market throws up challenges for Western marketers. Classic obstacles include language, cultural differences, government policy and the Great Firewall of China.

Chinese internet users are sophisticated, digitally savvy and keen to buy from quality Western brands. But their online behaviours differ. For example, Chinese consumers use Baidu rather than Google, WeChat rather than WhatsApp, Weibo rather than Twitter and Youku rather than YouTube! They also prefer different types of content and user journeys. Horn Tech digital martketing combines the best of Chinese and Western insight and experience, delivering the best possible China Online Marketing Services for your brand.